Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stitchin' as fast as I can!!!!!!

It's not clothes I'm stitchin' this week-well not exclusively anyway-
In a few short days my 12th grandbaby is due to arrive and the older I get the closer to the wire I seem to come! 
His quilt is coming along and its not a complicated one but I am soooo limited in time and wrist action these days that it will be a race to see who wins-him or me!!!!

My daughter is doing a fun MONSTERS theme so I wanted to try a few monsters myself. Its a really happy quilt and such fun to do.
I once said that my day was not fully lived if I didnt stitch sometime during the day-well believe me when I say that I am living each day FULLY!!!!!
I'm also trying to get ahead on my clothing line so I can spend plenty of time cuddling that newborn before he grows up!!!!!
 It happens too fast- seems like only a few weeks ago I was holding my first grandbaby-but today he is a teenager!!!! How did that happen????

OK enough -I'm feelin' old now!!!!!
Back to stitchin'!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Sometimes it's good to just stop and reflect...on everything.
The big stuff,the small stuff ...the good,bad and ugly
the known and the unknown...

As much as I enjoy my work I have to force myself away from the sewing room so that I can refresh my vision .
It's not until I am fully away that I realize how very much I needed to be away.

“You won't realize the distance you've walked until you take a look around and realize how far you've been.”

So for the past few days I've fished,shopped and played with my grandbabies.
 ...oh yeah and we're building a new play yard for the little ones we're blessed to have close by.
 It's gonna be a busy summer-so somebody be sure and stop me from time to time if I can't seem to do it myself! :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Inspiration or Insanity????

I honestly thought when I started this blog that I would be able to show some projects step by step - as you can see that hasn't happened.
 I was thinking about the reasons WHY I can't seem to do it- and I really don't have a solid answer-except to say, and this may scare you a little- that I have no idea what I'm going to create sometimes. I mean I see something that I think is great -but for what I don't know!!!

Here ya go- take this huge round crocheted rug?coverlet? thingy! 
That's it , it's a thingy!!!
Great colors -great edging and big enough to work with-but for what??
 So I start folding-draping-gathering- nope- nothing is working -no ideas are happening.
It goes to the "I -need-an-idea" stash -and there it stayed for about 2 months.

All of a sudden yesterday I'm cleaning up the sewing room and thinking of stitching up some tops when I have a brainstorm!
 A pattern was lying on the table and I was wishing for a "large over sized crochet thingy!!!
AHA!!!I have one-wait NO I HAVE 2 BIG THINGYS!!!!!!
So I dig em out and start folding and cutting and the next time I think about it the top is made!!! LITERALLY!!!!
THEN-I wish I had taken a picture- soooooo  as I'm digging out the second big thingy I promise myself I'll snap pics of the process-but alas-only get the before and after.

So I don't know -it may be insanity-all I know is that once the idea and materials present themselves together    it seems as though the inspired idea puts itself together-unless you believe in fairies!

All I know is that I LOVE the entire process- finding a great "thingy" - having an idea- and being present to see it put itself together!!!! When somebody else likes it - well that's just icing on the CAKE!!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Celebrating One Year of Fun with Mettamarie!!!

As I looked back over the past year in pictures I realized just how much STUFF I have done ! And I still liked almost everything -which kinda confirms that I should "do" what I  like because somehow it is pleasing in some way to others-some others anyway.Thank you  so much to all the folks who have been on this journey with me. I count myself blessed indeed to still have the people in my life that were right there at my side when I stumbled into the fun and surprisingly exciting path!!!
Go back and visit the year in pictures with me!

~Fun French Back Porch Pillows~
                    ~ One of a kind Vintage handbag- embellished with Vintage lace ,trims and beads
                                      ~One of the first original patterns by MettaMarie
~ Plump little Punkins'
One of the first One of a Kind dresses( and my model,Sara)
 Tattered Velvet skirt (and my model  Rebekah)
~ One of a kind Lace jacket
~ Vintage Lace Banner
 Feather and Fur bags
~ Springtime Open House at 81
 FUN new line of Jewelry By FUNKY FRIPPERY
 One of my all time favorite styles!
 Burlap Banners have been such fun to create!
 A jacket and dress- both such fun to do!
 Very fun and FUNKY CANDLE-ier
 Finally I got to the doily dress
 And CAMILLE is just ...well gorgeous!!!
 FUN tattered top 
 SILK Aunt Georgie
 Cute cropped top
 and Silver Sayings!
Now that's a whole lotta fun if ya ask me!!! Creating, selling, and learning has been a very Happy adventure for me!And it keeps my mind busy so that I can get used to a smaller household again. I could not have imagined this adventure - and I feel giddy that it was dropped into my lap , and in small pieces that I could  manage!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

HMMMM! What now???

My own little Cleaning Fairy!!!!Isn't she a HOOT????(This is my grandbaby  #8) 

She perfectly captured my expression when I hopped over to this blog and realized how LOOONG it has been put off! I keep thinking I'll have time to write again-but I keep sewing clothes!!!!

Before MettaMarie kept me so busy,I had blogged consistently for 15 years!!!

I really HOPE it's not a "ONE OR THE OTHER" kind of thing-but it sure looks kinda like it today!

Anyway-I intend to make a renewed effort at both-and as always-pictures say sooo much more than words ever will-so stay tuned for great photos and happy thoughts!!!!