Friday, October 28, 2011


 Every FaLL these lovely,happy flowers appear and every year,for the past 25  years I have been amazed at them! There are layers of different size,color and shapes and though I take lots of pictures of them I am never satisfied that I have truly captured their beauty. I think you just have to come walk in them with me to really capture that-so come on!!!!

Some fun changes are coming up for MettaMarie!
 Some of those changes call for some professional photos of some of the OTHER WILD-flowers close to the MettaMarie headquarters-AKA  Providence
These wildflowers amaze me as much as the yellow ones. I can't wait to share the photos that our professional took today. I'm certain they will be wonderful! I'll fill you in on the changes too!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Recycling, Repeating or Remembering~

One day-somewhere- someone stood over mounds of wool,cotton and other fibers and made thread,yarn and fabrics. With those raw materials they envisioned things of beauty and functionality for everyday life. 
They didn't just stand there and think about it-they carded the raw fibers,refined it ,spun,weaved and sewed with it until those beauties materialized.
True art!!
In our modern age we are so far removed from these
 processes that we don't really understand how they did it. 
Maybe thats why I am sooo taken with the Vintage and Antique needlework that I find and collect.

I always imagine the beginning of the piece I hold in my hand and wonder what the farm was 
like on the day THIS cotton (or other fiber)was picked,hauled,cleaned and carded? Who did it?
How the fiber  affected their life-were they slaves,or free people?
Did they loathe the cotton sack or appreciate it?

It was hard work no matter who it was and because I so admire
 honest labor and good workmanship I appreciate the person that picked that tiny fluffy ball of fiber or sheared that sheep and  stuffed that wool into a bag ready for the next step of the process.
I equally admire the person who took the fine threads or rough hemp and fashioned a beautiful crochet edging for a pillowcase or a tough but beautiful grain sack to use time and time again to haul valuable grain from the farm to its next destination. 

 These timeless pieces are OUR history-they are tactile reminders of working hands whether free or forced and workmanship that has stood the test of time.
 Maybe that's why I am so drawn to the textiles of the years when people REALLY did things rather than observed things done.
 Busy hands- creating beauty even in work. I just love it!
When I first learned the history of the German grain sacks I was amazed at the durability and beauty in such a functional little item! This was the time when folks didn't throw everything away after one use-it was expected to be used and used and used and then maybe reused for another purpose until there was no practical use left in it.
I'll admit upfront that I am not as "green" as I should be-I don't recycle everything and I do my part in filling up the world's landfills- but I'd like to do better-if I could find a way to do it without driving myself crazy.
( It leads me very close to hoarding to try to recycle much more than I do right now.LOL! )

I purchase what seemed like a huge amount(at the time) of German Grain Sack fabric on our recent trip to Texas- perhaps it seemed so huge because I was SOOOOO tired and my arms were full of equally good finds.
I knew what I wanted to make and I could hardly wait to get started!~

I love these fantastic Market Bags with long straps  for wearing cross-body. Each bag is unique with a large button closure and a vintage textile inside pocket. 
These bags were too beautiful to line-I wanted every inch of the linen to be visible. 

For all my thriftiness I only made 5 bags ~ and the only bit of fabric I'm holding back is for my very own bag just like these!!! 
Please visit a few of these sites to read about the use and construction of this" piece of the past textile"!

*Please visit Mettamarie on facebook for purchase info

Sunday, October 2, 2011

DANGER!!! Unlimited shopping ahead!!!! ROUND TOP ,TEXAS!

 My hubby and I just returned from a great couple of days in Texas shopping till we literally DROPPED!!! Every kind of old,rusty,tattered and torn piece of the past was on display for our pleasure!!!! What fun we had!!!!!!!!
 And though there was more than we ever could have hoped to see, we did see a huge part of it-and in my opinion the best of it all. Better yet, we bought some of it - some because it was what I went looking for to make beautiful clothes and some because it made me happy!
So if YOU ever get the chance -make the trip to Round Top in the spring or fall to this great event!! You'll be glad you did!!!!
 All of this loveliness will be clothes and bags very soon!!!!
Antique/Vintage lace and crochet and European linen and velvet!!!!
 And this gorgeous Antique German grainsack with the embroidered initials of some German family  is mine-just for me to enjoy! 
Watch for all the goodies that I get to make with this wonderful load of vintage linens!!!